Last Updated on July 12, 2023
As discussed in the previous article, the Abstract is an outline of research, written with a brief and concise explanation. In the Abstract is not recommended to write a formula. Several points must consider in writing abstracts from our research to provide a good explanation of our research summary.
Important Points in Abstract Writing
1. Problem
The first sentence should explain in the abstract as usually the problem to be solved. Remember, in writing the problem in the abstract directly write it at the core of the problem. Don’t discuss introductory sentences in the general topic. Because it will write in the Introduction. Immediately discuss the main problem that becomes the urgency of researching one or two sentences.
2. Solutions
Your solution or method proposed in solving the problem must be written briefly in the abstract. After briefly describing the method, explain the novelty of the method (if there is a novelty in the method) in the next sentences.
3. Novelty
The research novelty is the most important thing. If you want to submit a paper you must have renewal values both. The greater the novelty obtained, the greater chance to pass into a journal that has a high impact factor. According to Prof. Pitoyo from Chukyo University Japan. There are several categories in achieving novelty, including:
- New method
- Better method
- New problem
- New insight (knowledge)
We need to claim one of the novelty types above in the paper that we write. For example, if you can propose the new method, then your paper can consider suitable for publication. On the other hand, a better method is the best one.
For more information read also 7 Tips and Tricks for Publish in Scopus Journal.
4. Result
The results of the research must write clearly in the form of facts. Usually, the sentences that explain the fact show the research results using numbers, for example, “The results of stock price predictions using Tsukamoto’s FIS method produce an accuracy of 100%”.

An additional note in abstract writing is “Don’t write unknown acronyms” or don’t write abbreviations that are never written in your paper. Don’t write references and citations or sources of references in the abstract. Abstracts are usually written between 200-250 words. For your example, here I write an example of an abstract with a simple and general research theme.
Example of Abstract
(PROBLEM) Damage on the computer is one of the most feared things especially for ordinary people who do not understand computer problems. This makes some people do not know what damage is happening to their computers and eventually bring the damaged computer to the service. (SOLUTION) This does not need to be done if there is a system that can detect damage to the computer. Therefore, this research created a system that can predict computer damage only by conducting a simple survey. (NOVELTY) The novelty of this system is the ability to provide solutions to any computer damage problems that occur. Also available is also a menu to connect directly with computer services if the problem cannot be solved by itself. The general public can access this system from a smartphone so that it is more practical. (RESULT) According to the results from a survey of 1000 users, satisfaction scores were up to 80% and the public could save up to 1 million rupiahs in computer service costs.
Related Article
To improve your writing skills, you can follow some guidelines in writing each section in the following article.
- Introduction to Structure of Scientific Paper
- 4 Important Points in Writing Abstract on Scientific Paper
- 5 Important Point To Make A Good Introduction
- Previous Research Writing Guidelines
- Methodology Writing Guideline
- Result and Discussion Writing Guideline
- Guideline for Writing Conclusions in Scientific Paper
- References Writing Guideline
Lastly, this is the explanation in the video version.
Author: Ida Wahyuni, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Instagram Direct Message: Ida Wahyuni