Last Updated on May 8, 2022
Yes, TOEFL is crucial in an academic environment, including when applying to Masters and Doctoral programs.
We may be born in a non-English speaking country. But, we may be taught to speak English from a young age. As a result, making English our second or third language (if there is a regional language).
However, some of us may think that English is required only when going abroad. Therefore, many of us don’t even care and have never taken the TOEFL, TOEIC, or other types of English proficiency tests.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standard test to measure the mastery of English in an academic environment. Commonly, this test uses formal or academic language. Which uses more complicated vocabulary than common conversation. Therefore, TOEFL is commonly used as a requirement when applying to schools in foreign countries, student exchanges, or student visas.[1]
Meanwhile, there are other English proficiency tests such as the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication). It uses common conversation or business language. Therefore, commonly, It is required when applying for a job in foreign countries, or for work visas.
TOEFL and TOEIC are the most popular types of English proficiency tests in the world. However, they measure different things, and for different purposes.[1] Therefore, you need to plan your goals in advance, before you can plan whether to take TOEFL or TOEIC.
But this time, we will discuss the TOEFL, and why generally it is one of the requirements to apply to college.
TOEFL Scores
You need to know, that the TOEFL certificate only shows scores, and there are no words “failed” or “passed” on the certificate.
Generally, colleges will require a minimum TOEFL score for their prospective students. Each college may have its own minimum TOEFL score and may differ from other colleges. In addition, the minimum score requirement is increasing at each level of college degrees.[2]
For example, in an X college, a person needs a minimum TOEFL score of 425-450 to qualify for a bachelor’s degree. Meanwhile, one needs a minimum TOEFL score of 477 to apply for a master’s degree, and a minimum TOEFL score of 500 to apply for a doctorate. In addition, The TOEFL score required for scholarships is generally higher than the college’s standard.[3]
Therefore, first, you need to plan your goal for taking the TOEFL. Then you only need to make sure your score exceeds the minimum requirements. After that, you can start thinking about more important things.
The use of English in academic
A college may require its undergraduate students to have a TOEFL certificate as a graduation requirement.[4] However, some students may not really need it in the future.
On the other hand, it’s a different story if you want to continue your studies abroad. Then, you really need a TOEFL certificate. Although some countries do not require you to have one.
In addition, if you want to continue your studies to a higher level, then you need a TOEFL certificate. Most universities require a TOEFL certificate in the application for master’s or doctoral programs.
In this case, many of you may be wondering. Studying in your own country (non-English speaking), which communicates using your own country’s language, and even the lectures are also from your country. Then, why is a TOEFL certificate required to apply for a Master’s and Doctoral program even in your own country? Okay, let’s discuss it one by one.
When you want to continue your study abroad, you may need to use English. So, it is very natural that the TOEFL certificate is one of the application requirements.

The use of English may not be seen much in daily or in-class conversations. However, if you take part in international seminars or proceedings, you inevitably have to communicate using English. Although you may often encounter this at the Doctoral program rather than Masters.
Meanwhile, your campus may collaborate with foreign professors or companies, which might involve you. In this case, most likely, you will need to communicate using English. Because English is the second most commonly used language in the world.[5]
Therefore, the TOEFL certificate will provide information about the ability to communicate with English in an academic environment.
Interpreting references
One part of the TOEFL is a reading test. Mostly, it consists of academic material in English. Its vocabulary is commonly found in textbooks or literature in most universities.[6]

You may study in your country, and communicate using a non-English language. However, it is possible that the course will use English materials or references. Therefore, before you go to college, you must be familiar with any academic materials in English. In fact, when you look for references on the internet, most of the content is in English. Until now (June 2021), around 61.6% of sites in the world use English.[7]
For your information, many people have often studied English. However, they still have difficulty understanding English material in an academic environment.[1]
Research and publications
In a Master’s or Doctoral program, you will spend your study period researching and publishing the research result. Conducting research generally includes collecting data, cleaning data, conducting analysis, and reporting the results of the analysis.[8] In this case, you will need many recent references related to research, and most of these are in English.

At certain times, it is possible that you will collaborate with foreign (overseas) researchers. As a result, you will commonly use English when communicating or to find references.
Furthermore, you will most likely publish the findings from your research, in journals, patents, books, and/or other types of publications. At the doctoral level, your publication target may be international publishers with a high reputation. In this case, you really need to be able to write in English.
In terms of publications, such as journals, there are many things that need to be considered so that your articles can be published in reputable international journals. You have to pay attention to the substance of the article, format, readability, to grammar.[9] In this case, you may need higher English skills. If you can’t afford it, you may need to pay a lot of money, to get help from someone else who is able to tidy up the format, do proofreading, and/or other checks related to Language.
Naturally, applying to Master’s and Doctoral programs requires a TOEFL certificate. Even if you study at one of the universities in your non-English speaking country.
The admissions committee at the university really hopes that students, who have passed the selection, can learn easily in class, without difficulties because of the English materials, textbooks, or conversations. Therefore, the committee uses the score on the TOEFL certificate as a metric, to see the English ability of each prospective student.[1]
- [1]C. Montgomery, “What Is the TOEFL Test? Why Do You Need It?,” PrepScholar: TOEFL, Jan. 02, 2017. (accessed Jul. 31, 2020).
- [2]M. Nandi, “How Important is TOEFL Score in Admissions?,” GyanDhan, Feb. 07, 2020. (accessed Jul. 31, 2020).
- [3]LPDP, “Beasiswa Reguler 2019,” Kemenkeu: LPDP. (accessed Mar. 02, 2021).
- [4]Universitas Negeri Malang, Pedoman Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) Tahun Akademik 2017/2018. Malang, Indonesia: Biro Akademik, Kemahasiswaan, Perencanaan, Informasi, dan Kerjasama, 2017.
- [5]ELC, “4 Reasons Why Learning English is so Important,” ELC: The English Language Centre, Sep. 30, 2013. (accessed Jul. 31, 2020).
- [6]TestDEN, “TOEFL Reading,” TestDEN. (accessed Aug. 01, 2020).
- [7]W3Techs, “Usage statistics of content languages for websites,” W3Techs: Web Technology Survey. (accessed Aug. 01, 2020).
- [8]Monash University, “Reporting and discussing your findings,” Monash University. (accessed Aug. 01, 2020).
- [9]“The Final Polish: Editing and Proofreading,” in Study Skills for International Postgraduates, Red Globe Press, 2011, p. 8.
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