Technical assistance in writing a scientific article

Indowhiz offers technical assistance in writing a scientific article until it is published in reputable journals.

We will help assist in:

  • article writing techniques,
  • editing the format and layout,
  • automatic bibliography integration (Mendeley),
  • finding suitable target journals,
  • submission of articles to a target journal,
  • assisting in responding to the reviewer’s comments.

Average mentoring time until the article is accepted:

3-12 months*

* it may take shorter or longer depending on the situation in the target journal and the author’s efforts

Reputable Journal

Quartiles 3 – 4


Quartiles 1 – 2


Service Details

Technical Assistance

Providing technical assistance to authors in making a high-quality scientific article, from the beginning of writing and submission, until accepted by a target journal.

Format and Layout

Editing the article format and layout based on the template or guidelines of the target journal.

Citation and Bibliography

Integrating automatic citation and bibliography (e.g., Mendeley) in the article.

Finding suitable journals

Find several suitable, credible, and reputable target journals, and avoid predatory journals.


Providing technical assistance in submitting the article to the target journal and checking the required files

Reviewer Comments

Providing technical assistance in responding to reviewers’ comments and revising the articles

Note: the fees above DO NOT cover the journal’s Article Processing Charges (APC) and editorial services (e.g., plagiarism check (Turnitin) and proofreading services).